
Sunday 3 June 2007

@#$%^& Cyclists !


Just brought Justin to KK Hospital as he developed a fever this morning. Wasn't sure if it was from the bumb on his head so just brought him down for the doctor to check.

Anyway, doctor felt his bumb and said there wasn't any depression on his forehead, so there wasn't any need for an x-ray. Gave some medicine for his fever and that's it.

Justin's getting cranky by now as it was near his nap time and he hasn't had lunch yet.

Don't ever let me see these bloody @#$%^& cyclists again !

Don't understand why cyclist are still allowed to cycle on the pedestrain walkways. Those people in Tampines better start wearing protective gears. Not the cyclist, the pedestrains.

My son just got knocked down by a cyclist last Friday, 1 June. Fortunately, it was a young cyclist, probably around 8-10 years old. He saw there were children around (we were at a bus-stop) and yet, not only did he not bother to slow down, he continued to cycle at a fast speed.

He brushed against the side of Justin and Justin lost his balance and tumbled onto the ground, hitting his head on the pavement. Immediately, a bumb formed on his forehead. Scolded the cyclist and his mom for allowing him to cycle 100m in front of her.

The mom still can say it was an accident. Told her off that such 'accidents' could have been prevented if she had not allowed her son to cycle so far in front. Moreover, she had 3 children herself. Called up her husband and scolded him also. Sometimes, I don't know what these parents are thinking.

Anyway, going to bring Justin for an x-ray. And this family better start praying that the injury is only superficial.

Bloody @#$%^& Cyclists !

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