
Sunday, 7 September 2008

Hearts for Sale !

Seeing that her brother Justin was doing brisk business with his J1 Assault Rifle and All-in-one ice cream maker, Jaslynn decided to come up with some business ideas of her own.

She borrowed from me a ruler and I asked her if she wanted to draw lines. She said no. I wondered what she needed it for. Then I saw her use the ruler to tear pieces of paper into strips. Hmm, still no idea. Then she asked her Mommy for some glue.

Then she showed me a tray full of little paper hearts !

$3 each, she said.

Then she saw her brother improvising his J1 Assault Rifle and she too went into overtime. After about 10 mins, she came back with another tray of paper flowers, made from the little paper hearts she made earlier.

These are $8 each ! I think it's a bargain.

1 comment:

grandmafull said...

wowee, she's good alright!!!
from hearts to flowers!!!!